Building Confidence & Inspiring Hope Through Movement
During our first meeting we’ll work to determine if we are a fit to work together. If it becomes clear that we are not a fit we will help you find someone who is!
Part of this process is a questionnaire you will complete at home that helps us learn more about you, and you might learn some things about yourself along the way.
Everyone starts with a FREE consultation. This is where we discuss your goals and map out what your client journey will look like as we work towards those goals. If at the end of the consultation we are both excited and inspired to work together, we will recommend the number of training sessions we believe are necessary to get you started making progress right away.
At this point, we will decide on a schedule of when we meet each week, sign your contract, and make your first payment. We will also create your CoachRX profile where you will be able to view your workouts and communicate with us. The CoachRX app also makes it easy for us to write workouts and check-ins so you can stay active while traveling or taking some time away from the gym.
We start with two assessments to get a baseline for how you move, any limitations, or any pain or discomfort, all to ensure your programming is perfectly customized to meet you exactly where you’re at.
We’ll start with a movement screen which is a head to toe flexibility and mobility assessment.
Next in the process is testing your strength balance. Where is your body strong? Where is your body weak? This helps us further pinpoint exactly what to address to get you moving with less pain and more confidence. The motto is to assess, don't guess!
With each of these initial sessions we will provide valuable education that we will constantly refer back to during your time working with us. The education is some of the most valuable pieces of your program.
At this point we will have a clear picture of the best path forward because we assessed and didn't guess. Now we start to do the work of putting in consistent effort with your program that will build confidence as you see the results of your work in and out of the gym.
Along the way we will continue to provide valuable education to help you understand where you are, how you got there, and how to build autonomy so you no longer need a coach.
This whole process is challenging and completely worth it, which is why we are there as a mentor to help you navigate it.
Through the education, exercise, and mentorship you will earn the freedom and confidence to do the things in life that are important to you.
Reassessing is a key component for consistency. Throughout our time together we will reassess to see how far you have come, and to recalibrate and make sure we are headed in the right direction. When you see the measurable improvements it will excite and energize you to keep putting in the work to make more progress.
Seeing measurable progress towards a goal, or reaching a goal, inspires you to set even bigger goals. Now is the time to set your sights on something new and inspiring!